Section 1: Contact Details
Pop your details in here so we know who we're contacting.
This is the number on your University of Chester ID card
This is normally your University of Chester email, but you can use any email address you like - so long as we can contact you on it!
Please enter the name of your course as listed in your course handbook
Section 2: Enquiry Details
We need some brief information about why you're contacting us today, so we can ensure you're connected to the right person.
Level of study means which year you are in.
For example Level 4 is normally your 1st year at Uni.
Level 7 is Post -Graduate level
Receiving your email advice
*Please check the boxes to show you understand *
Section 3: Advice Service Agreement & Consent to Store Data
1. I understand that the Advice Service will keep a record of my case.
2. I understand that this record may include personal or sensitive data which can be used to identify an individual - this can include your name, date of birth, student number, address, etc.
3. I agree to my information and case records being accessed by the advisors within the Advice team as necessary in relation to my case.
4. I understand that pursuant to the Data Protection Act 2018 and under the UK General Data Protection Regulation, I have the right to request a copy of my case notes or to have all records removed of my case(s) on request. I understand that I can exercise this right by emailing csuadvice@chester.ac.uk, asking my assigned Advisor or emailing my request to CSU's Data Protection Office at csudata@chester.ac.uk.
5. I understand that an Advisor will only act on my behalf or discuss my case with other parties with my permission unless they have identified that I may be at risk of harm to myself or others, or for them not to do so would break the law.
6. I am happy for the Advice Service to contact me to request anonymous feedback.
7. On occasion, there may be some information relating to your case which may be stored for research and analysis purposes. This will not include any personally identifying information but could highlight trends or wider issues we can act upon for the best interest of the University community.
Please read and agree to these terms *
Section 4: Rights & Responsibilities
We ask you to:
1. Treat our Advisors, as well as other staff and visitors within the Advice Centre, in a courteous manner.
2. Turn up promptly to all booked appointments (please be aware being more than 15 minutes late to an appointment will result in the appointment being cancelled).
3. Tell us if you are unable to attend an appointment.
4. Keep us informed of any changes that may affect your case.
We Will:
1. Aim to respond to you within 2 working days.
2. Explain your rights and responsibilities and help you decide what to do;
3. Send all advice/information in writing (usually via email) as appropriate.
4. Contact other parties on your behalf (with your permission)
5. Make every reasonable effort to contact you, but we will presume you no longer wish to use our service if you do not respond.
6. Keep a copy of your case record for six years, after which time it will be securely destroyed, in line with our Data Protection Policy.
7. Upon request, provide you with a copy of any data we hold on you electronically.
Please check this box to show you have read and understood the rights and responsibilities *
Section 5: Consent